Monday, 16 August 2010

Fever broke!

L woke up this morning for the 4th morning in a row with a temp around 104!  I promptly gave her meds & called her doctor.  We decided to take it easy but, I was itching to get outside before it got too hot.  So, I took the kids down to our new favorite park to swing, eat wild blue & blackberries, & watch the ferry boats & trains go by.  Ax did great in the swing too!

A's first time in this kind of swing, L's 10,000 time...

After her afternoon nap L woke up feeling good!!! Her fever broke!!! So, we packed up everyone again & headed to grams to run through the sprinkler, pick green beans for dinner & EAT!  Praise the Lord, our little girl is healed!  

Gram finding beans for her to pick...

Her appetite is back & she ate more food than gram & I combined!
Happy girl, happy mama.