Tuesday, 24 August 2010


Out of all that was accomplished today in the Birt household:

Loads of laundry, successful family trip to Museum of Flight (which I'll blog about later), crossfit workout in the backyard with J (notice I didn't say, "successful crossfit workout" - after about halfway through I discovered many unpicked blackberries popping through our fence...), put shelving together for the garage, washed both cars (inside and out!), & successfully dried myself with a HANDtowl after a shower (forgot to restock after laundry - ugh!) 

Our biggest accomplishment of today was THIS:

Axel polished off a whopping 4 oz of milk from a bottle!!!!  Quickly too!  He's done terrible with bottles b/c I've done terrible at introducing them to him.  But, since Jason and I are heading to the Sounders game tomorrow night and leaving the kids with grandma and grandpa, we figured we better try and give him one today.  I was tickled-pink when Jason told me he took the whole thing so quickly!!!  Don't get me wrong, I adore nursing but, this just gives me a little more FREEEEEEEEEDOM!!! 

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