Sunday, 6 January 2013

Linens (& my 300th post!)

I have this thing about linens.  Post college I started collecting linens every trip I took.  It was an easy, small, useful souvenir to pack.   This has morphed into keeping the focus solely on dishtowels.  Word got out & I started receiving them as gifts.  I love using a towel and thinking:  "Vera gave me that one when I house-sat"; "I remember buying that in Nice & I couldn't decide on the color"; "we bought that at a great kitchen shop in Whistler"; "Melis gave that to me for my birthday"; "my aunt Livy brought that back from Sweden for me"; "this was my grandma Olsson's that she never used & it made it's way into my drawer"; "this was the first dishtowel I bought in Portugal"; "We had 10 Euros left in the Amsterdam airport & used it to buy this one". You get the idea...

Before kids I would iron my dishtowels.  However, that ended 4 years ago & the only time I add to my dishtowel collection now is if they are gifted to me or if I buy them on a "trip" to Anthro... (Both are equally exciting!)  I don't have 2 towels that are a like & they all have a story.

I'm now reinstating this ironing chore.  I love ironed dishtowels & you just don't see the cuteness of these towels if they're all wrinkled.  All is well in my kitchen when my towels are pressed (& there is Tillamook in the fridge).

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